The Happy Thoughts Collection

It’s been a SUPER busy weekend my lovelies, but I am proud to announce that there are now 7 NEW Inspirational sticker sheets from my Happy Thoughts collection available in my Etsy shop, Krista Kemp Designs! These are only a few that I have been working on, I have TONS more in the works.

The Happy Thoughts Collection

Inspiring Quotes to Brighten your Day!


While putting these together, I discovered that there is a limited supply of beneficial printables available for Bloggers/Entrepreneurs/Etsy shop owners. So, I’ve added yet another project to my list. Are there any particular items that YOU have been in the market for???

I trust that each of you have had a fabulous weekend! Here’s to an awesome week!!!

How to Make a Waterfall Card

Are you sick to death of hearing new card making techniques yet?! Well, I’ve put together just one more SUPER tutorial that I wanted to share with you. This one is a bit more complicated (just slightly) than the other 3 (Never Ending Card, Squash Card, and the Pop Up Card), but nowhere close to impossible to tackle.

Water Fall Card 1

Okay, so let’s discuss our dimensions…

You are going to need:

  • 2 pieces of 4 ¼ inch x 5 ½ inch heavy duty card stock paper (these are your sturdy “base” cards)
  • 2 pieces of 4 inch x 5 ¼ inch patterned paper (these decorate your “base” cards)
  • 1 piece of 1 inch x 4 ¼ inch card stock paper (this strip holds your “waterfall” onto the card-it needs to be somewhat sturdy)
  • 1 strip of 9 inch x 2 inch heavy duty card stock paper (this will be your “waterfall”)
  • 4 pieces of 1 ¾ inch x 1 ¾ inch card stock paper (these will have your stamped images/photographs on them-can use photographs cut down to these dimensions instead)
  • 4 pieces of 2 inch x 2 inch card stock paper (these will hold your stamped images/photographs that will be displayed on the “waterfall” portion of the card-I used the 2 inch x 2 inch squares that I set aside from creating my original pop up card)
  • 2 brads
  • 3 inch strip of ribbon
  • Ink pad (if you want to distress the edges)

As in the other card making tutorials, you are going to need your “base” papers to be constructed from a sturdy, heavy duty card stock, as well as your 9 inch x 2 inch strip. These three pieces will endure the most abuse from your recipient, and you will want to make sure that they are capable of weathering the storm.

If I were you, I would gather all of my supplies and prepare each piece according to dimension. Once this is done, you are going to want to take 1 of your base papers and 1 of your patterned papers and adhere them together (I used a glue stick). Grab your other set and prepare those as well. Set them both aside to dry.

Grab your waterfall strip (9 inch x 2 inch), your 4 pieces of 2 inch x 2 inch squares, and your photographs (cut down to size) and/or your 1 ¾ inch x 1 ¾ inch squares if you choose to use them. If you are stamping, gather your chosen stamp and ink pad, and prepare your image. Set aside to dry. If you’re using photographs, adhere those to your squares. Now take your waterfall strip and score at 2 inch, 2 ¾ inch, 3 ½ inch, and 4 ¼ inch. Using your bone folder, crease each score mark in both directions to allow flexibility. Now place the strip before you with the scored side facing you. Starting at the bottom 2 inch score line, apply a strip of double sided tape or a smear from the glue stick and place your “bottom” image (2 inch x 2 inch square) on top. Make sure to align the top of the image flush with the score line. Press to secure. Repeat this process by moving up a layer each time. Set aside to dry if applicable.

Let’s put her together, shall we?! Grab your prepared “base” papers, your prepared waterfall strip, your piece of 1 inch x 4 ¼ inch card stock, and your 2 brads. You are going to want to position your newest card stock strip horizontally, against your base card about ¾ of the way down, and apply a small tab of double sided tape on both ends to lightly secure it to the card. Slip the long (undecorated) portion of your waterfall strip (pictures down) underneath this newest strip. Position in the center of the card, flip the images around to face you and then glue the bottom image to the outside of the horizontal strip. I forgot ALL about this step when I first made one, and was SO confused as to why my waterfall wasn’t flipping around, so make sure that you don’t forget this step. You can also stamp a greeting below that bottom image if you would like. Once that’s done, poke a hole about ½ inch from the edge of the horizontal strip and poke your brad through. Flip her over and press the tabs flush against the paper. Repeat this step on the other side of the strip.

In the tutorial that I watched, they only called for 1 “base” paper and 1 patterned paper. I chose 2 of each so that I could hide my brad backings; especially since I wasn’t giving it as a card, but including it as a pull out in my exploding box. You can do it either way, according to what your plans call for. So, let’s make a pretty backing, shall we…

Glue your 2nd “base” paper on top of (the brad backing side) your other “base” paper. I placed a small strip of tape on top of the backs of the brads to stabilize them prior to gluing; NOT a necessary step, but one that you can do. Make sure that you line up your edges when putting these 2 pieces of card stock together. She’s almost done!

Water Fall Card 5

Underneath your waterfall strip, you are going to want to create a half circle punch out to allow your recipient easy access to the “pull tag” that operates the waterfall effect. Now, if you have a circle hole punch you should definitely dig it out, otherwise, you can grab any small circular object (I used the cap from my Tacky Glue).  Make sure that you center either your circle punch or your circular object and proceed to punch or trace. If you trace, very slowly cut around your traced image. If you inked up the edges on your other papers, make sure to ink inside this freshly cut area. Now, pull your waterfall strip down and attach your ribbon (folded in half) to create a pull tag. You can glue, staple, apply a brad…

There you have it…a fun Waterfall Card. Glue it to a greeting card, tuck it in an envelope, throw it in a gift box, but don’t forget to sign your work. Give it to that special someone and watch their eyes light up!

So, what do you think? Are you going to try your hand at it? Would LOVE to see what you come up with!


Tell All Tuesday Series: Change

Q-Are you scared of change?

Tell All Tuesday Series...

A-The prospect of change does frighten me to a certain extent, but without change in one’s life, reality continues on status quo. Change always brings about all of the pros and cons of a given situation. “What if this happens, or that?” “What if I don’t fit in…don’t like it…aren’t capable of performing…it ends up not being a good fit/match?” You can what if a situation to death, but if you are unhappy in your current situation, you owe it to yourself to take that leap and see where it takes you. If that particular situation isn’t the right fit, keep looking. We set our own boundaries, and unless we want to subject ourselves to a miserable existence for the remainder of our lives, we should take that opportunity and all that it entails. It just may be the door we have been searching for all along.

When I first established my 5 year plan, I took a leap into the unknown. A few people backed my decision, but the majority were like, “Aw, that’s nice Krista…Good luck.” Secretly waiting for the moment I would get tired of chasing after my dream. I introduced myself to the world of Social Media which I was clueless about. I put together a ton of crafts and started my Etsy shop. I did the research and figured out how to develop my blog. I created a few videos and threw them on YouTube. Even though they are amateur in quality, it was a starting point that I could grow and learn from. I pump out as much material as I possibly can to each of my outlets while tending to the responsibilities of my every day obligations. Do I get tired? YES!!! Do I ever feel like throwing in the towel and resuming a normal life? YES!!! I take breaks when my mind goes into overload, but I refuse to shove my dreams to the back burner! I’ll “keep on, keepin on” as Joe Dirt would say. Eventually, my long awaited door will appear.

Chasing down a dream is the hardest work I have ever known, but I know that all the hard work will, in time, pay off, and the best part is, I will have EARNED it all on my own! Change is inevitable in our lives. You can approach it with hesitation and fear, or you can welcome it with open arms. Me? I’ll choose the second option ANY day!!!

How about you?  Are YOU scared of change?

Managing your Super Busy Life

For those of you who have subscribed to follow my blog, you are aware that there are several freebies available to you on the club page.  Included among these items, is an eBook that I put together that will aid you in managing your busy life.  I have decided to share this valuable resource with others around the world that are not familiar with my presence here on WordPress, so I have posted this eBook for sale in my Etsy shop.  If you haven’t gotten your FREE copy yet, make sure to click on the link (Join the Club) below (on mobile devices) or on my sidebar (if using a PC) to join the club.  If you would like to support the cause, head on over to my shop and purchase it for only $3.00.

10 Steps: How to Manage your Busy Life eBook

On Sale Now

Make sure to tell ALL of your friends about this great guide of tips and tricks.  I spent a good decade as a single mother, and these are the techniques that worked best for me!

If you’ve already read this eBook, let me know how you felt about it in the comments below…

Blessings in Disguise

Hello my friends! I trust that you had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend. Mine was QUITE eventful to say the least!

Black Screen of Death

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

So, for those of you who follow me on Facebook, you are already aware that my trusty PC has finally given up the ghost. My daughter borrowed it one day, and she wouldn’t boot properly the next. I have concluded that there is a hardware issue, and suspect that the solder on one of the components has broken loose, which is NOT something that I feel super comfortable tackling as a DIY project, despite my A+ training. I am hoping that our computer whiz down the road can get this issue resolved, and if so, my kiddos will have a “new” laptop to work on for school projects. But, in the meantime, I needed a reliable PC. I have way too many things going on daily that require a dependable computer! So, I applied for a store credit card and purchased the “perfect” PC for me. I didn’t need all the bells and whistles, and was able to find a great deal on a new HP. I am anxious to get it all set up the way that I need it.

In addition to this fiasco, my hair dryer went out (the very next morning might I add) and our PS3 has been on the fritz for the past several months, AND my hubby’s new tablet that he got for Christmas has been going haywire. So, we went ahead and upgraded to a PS4, and I will probably replace his tablet with a Samsung Chrome Book (after I do some research) that has a stellar price tag on it while I’m at it. Also, my “Big” Christmas gift this past year (we were actually able to buy each other a few things) was an external hard drive that I’ve been eyeballing for the past 12 years. I almost lost my pics of the kids growing up back in 2008, and I refuse to put myself in that position again, thus the need for an external. But, it was a dud! I sent it back with full intention of replacing it, but an unexpected bill popped up (go figure!) that needed that money, so I was out my gift. I figure since I’m charging, I may as well cross all my t’s and dot all my i’s. I have quite a collection of saleable items that I’ve been compiling for my household liquidation, so I should be able to get this card paid off pretty quickly. PLUS, it will help boost my credit score even more, so when we go to apply for a home loan (which is coming soon…) it will work in our favor.

It’s super scary to make multiple large purchases like this, but when you’ve got all the details mapped out and a game plan in mind (like I do), it will end up being a blessing in disguise.

So, I know that I missed my Tell All Tuesday question this week (as well as my Wednesday post), but it is next to impossible to compose a post on my little iPhone. I do hope that you will forgive me.

But, my question for the week was this…

Q-In regards to large purchases, are you an impulsive shopper?

Tell All Tuesday Series...

A-Oh my no! I spend months (sometimes years) contemplating the purchase, and I ensure that I cover all my bases. Research, specs, customer reviews, and so on. The couple of times that I have been backed into a corner (like with my vehicle) with a lack of any other options, I have gotten burned financially, and I do mean fried to a crisp! Overall, I am very methodical in ALL that I do. Spontaneous travel…now that’s another story for another day.

When life throws chaos in your path, you have to cope the best way that you know how, and I’m hoping that this weekend offers me the opportunity (mainly the time) to get all of my ducks back in a row. As I’ve mentioned before, I am the cog that keeps this family running efficiently, and I need to get all the kinks ironed out and get us back to a somewhat “normal” schedule again. It’s hard enough keeping 2 teen work schedules (in addition to mine) on track without a TON of wasted gas and back peddling. I have too much going on to waste what little time I’m given each day.

Okay, so as you know, I’ve been spending a lot of time working on my latest creations (my Exploding Boxes for my Mama and my Grandma). I have been having an absolute blast with them, but they are SUPER time consuming! I honestly thought that I’d be damn near finished with them by now! My newest addition (my Flower Pop Up Envelope) has been an extremely tedious process. Was going to create a line of them for my Etsy shop, but am STRONGLY reconsidering! Ready to move on to the next item on the list! Anyway, I thought that I would put together a couple of posts/tutorials on how to create some of the items that I have been creating for these boxes. I learned these techniques from fellow bloggers, and felt it only appropriate to pass along the information. Make sure to stay tuned. Good stuff is in the NEAR future…


-SIDE NOTE: Hubby ended up getting a new Samsung tablet for a GREAT price, and I ended up getting a 5 TB external hard drive (only a few dollars more than the 2TB I got at Christmas!!!). I saved SO much money…great sales!!!

Explosion Box Creation

I have been having an absolute blast creating my Explosion Boxes these past couple of weeks!  And of course, I’ve taken it to the extreme!  Not only am I making the two for my girls, but I’m also creating one for my shop, and putting together a stencil template for future boxes.  I have something special planned for each page (front and back), and there will be a TON of places for journaling and photographs.  In addition to the basic construction of the box, I am including:

    • 2 Shaker Cards
    • Waterfall Slider Card
    • 4-6 panel Accordion Books
    • Accordion Pockets
    • 2 different kinds of Pop up Cards
    • A Variety of fun Tags
    • A Zipper Page (inspired by an art journal page from Vicky)
    • Several styles of Paper Dresses
    • A Squash Card
    • A Never Ending Card
    • A 5 inch Dress Form

…in addition to all of the fun items that I purchased to go in the box.

Work in Progress

***Just realized that my waterfall card is upside down…oops!!!***

Knowing me, I’m sure that I’ll add even more items before it’s over with!  I have thoroughly enjoyed learning how to create all of these new items, and know that my time researching will definitely pay off!

Tell All Tuesday Series: Cutting Corners

Q-Do you cut corners?

Tell All Tuesday Series...

A-Generally, no.

  • House Cleaning-I pull everything out and start from the beginning. (Including pulling out the large kitchen appliances and cleaning behind those)
  • My Creations-I detest shoddy work, so I go that extra mile.
  • Parenting/Relationships-I give all that I have to give and then some.
  • Classwork/Research-I have learned the best and most effective ways to work smarter…not harder.
  • Errands/Appointments-I have a step by step list of stops. I don’t have the time to waste, so I plan it all out in advance.

So, do YOU cut corners?

Scrap Happy

Baby girl is on her way to the beach with her girlfriend as we speak; first trip without the folks.  I sure hope that she has a great time and is safe!  A few weeks back I got a gorgeous card in the mail from my grandmother.  Hiding inside was a check with instructions to use on “something for me.”  So, after a WHOLE lot of thought, I decided to venture to the craft store.  I spent a good 3 hours browsing the aisles, and ended up getting some amazing items!  My absolute favorite new “tool” is my scoring board.  Best investment I’ve ever made!

Scoring Board

Weekend before last, I was checking out some new videos on YouTube, and discovered that they’ve taken the Exploding Box to a whole new level.  Years ago, I made this project with the kids at work, and they absolutely loved them!  When I saw the new beefed up versions, I fell in love!  Since then, I have been planning out some that I want to do.  One is for my grandma, another I’m putting together for my mama, and I have some ideas for a few for my shop.  Both of my girls deserve a super cool gift, and these are absolutely perfect!  I made yet another trip to the craft store and picked up some supplies to use in their boxes (in addition to all of the great stuff that I already have in my stash).  See all the goodies I found…



Oh, The Possibilities!

Grandma loves gardening and nature so that is the theme that I have decided on for hers.  My mom is a life-long quilter, so a sewing theme seemed most appropriate.  I plan to include some photos and special memories that I have of each of them (and will definitely share with you the finished projects when I get done with them).  I’ve been having a wonderful time in the craft room, thus, the decrease in my blog activity.

Loads of Fun!

In addition to my boxes, I am creating some new items for my shop.  Needless to say, my nose has been stuck in scrapbook paper for the past couple of weeks.  Like I said, my scoring board has been a GREAT investment!  I’ve been scoring and slicing like crazy!

Teaser Alert: I am putting together some fun party boxes and gift bags…

Just wanted to touch base with all of you (my lovelies) and let you know that all is well in my world…just spending a lot of time doing what I do best.  Have a fantastic weekend!


My lovelies, I trust that each of you have had a fantastic week.  I’m psyched that it’s the weekend!  My 2016 is continuing to dish out the punches, and I am doing my very best to counter each of them.  So, my baby boy started his first job a few weeks ago, and it is taking quite the adjustment for me.  Trying to balance out everyone’s schedules and appointments has been a bit of a challenge.  I sure hope I don’t have to reschedule any more appointments!

Birthday Curse

My loving husband turned 59 years old last week, and with his birthday came his relentless birthday curse.  The entire week preceding his birthday each year is fraught with disaster, and has been for more years than he can recall.  Broken bones, accidents, speeding tickets (3 in one day is beyond absurd!), and the list of events goes on and on.  He has gotten to the point where he just stays home where its safe.  This year wasn’t horrible, but it could have been A LOT better.  I was followed home each day after work by the same cop, we had a very unwelcome visitor show up at our home invading my bubble world, there were several heated arguments, and then my youngest was out playing tag with his buddies when he tripped over a soda can and slashed his hand open.  So, rather than prepping for our birthday cook out and baking a cake, I spent the evening in the ER while he was getting stitched up.  This has been the first year that his birthday has actually affected me.  I hope this isn’t the start of something new!

In amongst these events, I have been putting in quite a few extra hours at work, and I have had one, the other, or both grand babies each weekend for more than a month now.  Between the two it’s all I can do to keep my blog current, and my poor Etsy shop is beginning to suffer from it.  We have had a TON of new changes implemented in the Etsy platform, and I have yet to go in and update my shop or make the necessary changes, let alone work on ANY of my projects/creations to supply it with fresh, new items.  I can’t seem to get my creative release which is driving me insane, and I am SO exhausted, all I do lately is work and sleep.  My brain is beyond fried trying to keep up with all that’s on my plate, and it’s next to impossible to even form a rational thought!  I really hope this weekend will provide me the fuel that I so desperately need.

I finally went in and talked with an attorney, and the news that I received was absolutely disheartening!  For years I have been patiently awaiting this opportunity, this moment of truth, only to walk out with a burst bubble, and a little poorer for the experience.  I have decided to take this entire situation/ordeal and compile it together in a book, so that others can benefit from my short comings.  No one should have to go through what I did!  More details will be supplied at a later date.

So there you have it; a little peek into my crazy life.  I hope that you have an awesome weekend, and that you have the opportunity to enjoy some great weather.  I’ll catch you on the flip side…

***Was planning to post this yesterday, but life took over.  Had to run and get my boy a new pair of shoes-he’s hit a MASSIVE growth spurt, and my 14 year old was putting in applications everywhere that she knew might hire her.  Talk about initiative!  Sorry for the late post.***

Saturday’s Sneak Peek…

My lovelies, I trust that you all are enjoying your weekend!  I’ve taken my Constructive Criticism to heart, and made good use of my time today.  I busted out my “almost finished” projects, and completed them.   Yeah!!!  I wanted to give you all an Exclusive Sneak Peek before I post them to my shop tomorrow.

Hippie Love Crochet Bead Bracelet

My “Hippie Love” Crochet Beaded Bracelet


Free Spirit Silk Ribbon Bracelet

My “Free Spirit” Silk Ribbon Bracelet


Rear View Mirror Dream Catcher-Indian Elephant

My Indian Elephant Rear View Mirror Dream Catcher

Indian Elephant Rear View Mirror Dream Catcher

Rear View Mirror Dream Catcher-Sea Turtle

My “Sea Turtle” Rear View Mirror Dream Catcher

Sea Turtle Rear View Mirror Dream Catcher

Orange Coffee Mug Cozy

This bad boy has been done for quite some time. It finally got photographed today


I was hoping to go to my cousins house today to attend their Bible Study session, but my landlord was running SUPER behind!  At least I didn’t let the day get away from me!  I gave my boy a haircut, had a delicious dinner, and then played 18 holes of putt putt with my husband and his sister.  Have you ever played 3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures?  Fantastic game…loads of fun!  I wish that we could download some additional courses, but that’s what happens when games become “too old!”

3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures

One of the best games ever made!


Needless to say, it’s been a good day.  Best one I’ve had in a while!

Just wanted to share my creations with you.  I think that they turned out really well!

What’s your favorite of my new pieces?