One Lovely Blog Award

I want to thank The Veggie Cooker for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award.  She has an amazing blog that is packed full of some AMAZING vegetarian recipes!  Make sure that you venture over her way and have a look for yourself…

One Lovely Blog Award

The Rules:

•Thank the person that nominated you and give a link to their blog.

•List the rules.

•Display the award on your post of the award.

•List seven facts about yourself.

•Nominate (up to) 15 bloggers for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them


7 Facts About Me

Fact # 1: Despite these insane rumors that have been circulating about me, I’ve got a bit of a confession to make. I…CANNOT dance. My baby girl and my sister, however, can move and groove with the best of them. Me, forget about it! I look like a frog with its foot caught in a mouse trap.

Fact # 2: My absolute favorite perfume is Calvin Klein’s Euphoria. It’s clean, subtle, sweet, and musky all at the same time. The perfect combination for me!

Let's be Euphoric Every Day!

Fact # 3: My mama surprised me with a Cricut machine (years ago for my birthday) after I had mentioned during a casual conversation that I would like to have one. I absolutely love my machine, and have used it for a ton of different projects, but I’ve recently found myself longing for a Sizzix machine. The majority of the YouTubers that I watch use theirs for spreads, and they have some of the cutest die cuts! This will be one of my next big investments.

Fact # 4: Despite my many efforts over the years, I have realized that I just was not blessed with a green thumb. I have always wanted a garden filled with my favorite vegetables, but am realizing now that this will most likely never come to pass. I somehow manage to over water every time I try to grow something. Perhaps I’ll just put hubby in charge of the gardening.

Fact # 5: Do you remember this old jingle?

“Comet…It makes your teeth turn green.
Comet…It takes like Listerine.
Comet…It makes you vomit.
So have some comet…and vomit…today.”

When I was a little girl, I remember sitting in the bathroom watching my mama clean the tub. She would sprinkle her green bottle of comet all over the basin of the tub, and would then scrub the entire thing, inside and out. I remember telling her that one day, “I was going to be SO rich, that I wasn’t going to have to USE comet!” I’m surprised she didn’t smack me; I would have! Well, here I am (20 years later) following in her footsteps. I am a proud user of comet (the smell of Ajax reminds me of the concentration camp) and I follow her cleaning “steps” down to a T. I’d be in hog heaven if I could just get to the point financially, where I could hire someone in to do the cleaning; I’ve officially had my fill. But, know this, I will ALWAYS have a bottle of comet in my cleaning closet.

Comet, It Makes your Teeth Turn Green...

Fact # 6: I decided forever and a day ago, that when I finally had a home with a craft room, that I was going to paint the walls Fire Engine Red. I want vertical stripes that alternate between a matte and a glossy finish, as red entices my creative juices. I also want an “island” in the center of the room with a flat surface on top and a ton of cubby holes and drawers underneath for craft supplies. In addition to that, I want a giant (double door) walk in closet that’s floor to ceiling craft supplies organized in tidy little labeled boxes. I love getting messy with my projects, but at the end of the day, I need a clean and organized area.

Fact # 7: When my mom divorced my first step-dad, we moved into a house without a microwave. Oh, gracious! A teen without a nuke box! Good thing I knew how to cook. At that time, I had an obsession with making a batch of Spaghettios after school, but had never up to that point prepared them on a stove top. But there’s a first time for everything. I threw a can into a pot, sprinkled a nice layer of Tony’s on top and brought it to a boil. Ah! The best bowl of Spaghettios ever! If you’ve never tried it, make it a point…SO good!

So, there you have it.  7 new facts about me, Krista Kemp.

My Nominees:


Psychedelic Bay

Unique Love Harmoney

Roswitha over at Skizzenbuch/Blog


Akshay over at Blog Buster

And I Didn’t Look Back

Scrapbook House

Magny over at A Journey into the Magic of Creativity

The Daddy Blitz

Literally Nataly

Kelzbelz Photography-My Journey-The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Life as Christine

Pattern$ oF R@nD0mNEsS

Saints West-Just my thoughts for all to behold

Thank you again for the nomination!  This award is greatly appreciated!

One Lovely Blog Award

The sweet Erika Kind nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award quite some time ago, and I am SO embarrassed that it has taken me so long to put this post together.  I had planned to work on it this past weekend, but I spent the entire weekend in bed sleeping.  Apparently I needed it.  Erika has a remarkable blog, is a fantastic singer, and just recently published her 5th book, now available on Amazon or on CreateSpace.  She is a remarkable woman, an inspiration to everyone that she interacts with, and a source of sunshine in this sometimes cruel world.  Her posts speak to my heart each and every day.  I am SO lucky to have run across such a genuine and loving soul!  Erika, thank you SO very much for this nomination!  It is GREATLY appreciated!

One Lovely Blog Award


  • Thank the person that nominated you and give a link to their blog
  • List the rules.
  • Display the award on your post of the award.
  • List seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate (up to) 15 bloggers for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them.

7 Facts About Krista Kemp:

1: I have been pregnant 3 times, which has resulted in my 3 children who I wouldn’t trade for the world!
2: I have been married 2 times, and have decided that I will never marry again.  My husband is my perfect match, and no one will EVER be able to fill his shoes!
3: One of these days I am going to teach myself to play the violin.
4: I LOVE Mexican food!
5: My favorite colors are Purple and Kawasaki Green.
6: I USED to love kids!
7: I have always held extremely high aspirations, which have resulted in a substantial amount of disappointment over the years.  I refuse to give up though…

My Nominees:

April4June6: A Journal of Self-Transformation
Kerfe and Nina over at: Method Two Madness
Belinda over at Changing my World with Words
Life Experiment Blog
Getting Through Anxiety
Michelle over at: Michelle, Books and Movies Addict
Sally over at: Smorgasboard-Variety is the Spice of Life
Puppy Lovers’ Blog
Diya over at: Pen2Needle
A Frank Angle
Carl over at: I Know I Made You Smile
Pearls and Prose
Never Trust a Jellyfish
Spearfruit…it’s my life

Erika, I thank you again for this nomination!

Tell All Tuesday Series: Blog Name

Q-Do you like your blog name or wish you had chosen a different one?


Image Courtesy of Pixabay

A-I love the name of my blog! It’s powerful, self-explanatory, and highly inspiring. It’s the type of title which beckons its readers to venture in and take the time to explore the contents. I have absolutely NO regrets!

How about you? What are your thoughts on your blog name?

The Miranda Sings Award

I was recently nominated for the Miranda Sings Award by the amazing Erika Kind.  Erika, thank you SO very much for nominating me for this fantastic award! It has been an absolute honor to receive this.  Make sure to visit Erika’s blog.  It will change your life!

This award was created by Claudia’s ThoughtsIt’s sole purpose is to celebrate YOU.  Let all of your blogging friends know what makes you happiest when thinking about yourself.

The Miranda Sings Award

  • Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who nominated you.
  • Include the featured image on your blog post.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post.
  • List 7 things you love about yourself (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)
  • Don’t use negative connotation. (I.e. Don’t say things like – I’m prettier than an average person or People have told me I’m smart. You ARE pretty. You ARE smart etc!

7 Things I LOVE about myself:

1: I love my CREATIVITY-It provides beauty in my otherwise crazy world.
2: I love my DETERMINATION-It keeps me on track and allows me to hone in on my beautiful future.
3: I love my COMPASSION-My bleeding heart keeps me humble.
4: I love my CLARITY-Having a clear focus allows me to continue on my path without getting bombarded by the road blocks along the way.
5: I love my EXPERIENCE-These moments have prepared me for my journey in life.
6: I love my CONVICTIONS-I stand firm; saying what I mean, and meaning what I say.
7: I love my STRENGTH-This has allowed me to face each catastrophe in my life without faltering.

My Nominees:

Gretchen over at Drifting Through My Open Mind

Maria over at Four Mariah’s

Trying Not to Hate over at Deep Breaths

Alamelu over at Silk Quilling Colours

Lori over at Lori Greer in Portland

Mia (a.k.a. The Wheat and Tares) over at The Grizzle Grist Mill

Lisa over at Lisa Talks About…

Inked Thoughts and Midnight Monologues

Lynn over at Lynn Thaler: Random Life Thoughts

Erum Explores

Erika, thank you again for this nomination!  I sure do appreciate this honor!

5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck

Michael Hyatt put together an amazing post a while back that I wanted to share.  This man has an amazing site, and more valuable/life-altering posts than you can imagine.  Make sure to take the time to explore his site.  You will be SO glad that you did!

Setting Goals

His 5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck are:

Myth #1: Your Past Determines your Future

Myth #2: Safe Goals are the Best Goals

Myth #3: You Fail if you Fall Short

Myth #4: Writing your Goals is Unnecessary

Myth #5: Specificity Doesn’t Really Matter

To explore these myths, visit his post HERE.

Can you think of any additional myths?

3 Day Quote Challenge-Day Two

Mansi over at Drowning Wings nominated me to participate in the 3 Day Quote Challenge. As many of you know, I LOVE partaking in these challenges! If you have never visited this fantastic blog, you need to make the time. Thank you Mansi for including me in this fun challenge. I sure do appreciate it!

Play in the Puddles

Rules for the challenge:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  • Share one new quote on three consecutive days on your blog. They can be from anywhere, anyone, or anything.
  • On each of the three days, nominate three more bloggers to carry on with the fun! No pressure; nominees are free to decline.

Quote for Day Two:

When life gives you a rainy day, play in the puddles.


My Nominees for Day Two:

Arcane Owl over at A Wayward Scribblez
Fawad Hassank
Sadie over at Sadie’s Nest

Thank you again Mansi.  I’m having a wonderful time!

3 Day Quote Challenge-Day One

Mansi over at Drowning Wings nominated me to participate in the 3 Day Quote Challenge.  As many of you know, I LOVE partaking in these challenges!  If you have never visited this fantastic blog, you need to make the time.  Thank you Mansi for including me in this fun challenge.  I sure do appreciate it!

Let's go with Plan B

Rules for the challenge:

  • Thank the blogger that nominated you.
  • Share one new quote on three consecutive days on your blog. They can be from anywhere, anyone or anything.
  • On each of the three days, nominate three more bloggers to carry on with the fun! No pressure; nominees are free to decline.

Quote for Day One:

You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.

-Mandy Hale

My Nominees for Day One:

Shilpa over at Impeccable Hopes

Sourav over at Sourav Adhikari

Carolyn over at Miscellaneous & Recommendations

Thank you again Mansi!  I sure do appreciate the opportunity to participate in this great challenge!

The Versatile Blogger Award

The beautiful and talented, Mrs. Erika Kind, nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award some time ago, and with the crazy hours I’ve been putting in at work, prepping for our unforgettable Thanksgiving, and getting a head start on Christmas, my brain has been in overload, and I have had a difficult time coming up with 7 interesting facts about myself. I’ve been a “mom” for so long, that a lot of “ME” has fallen by the way side. I hope that the facts that I have managed to conjure up don’t bore you to tears.

The Versatile Blogger Award

The rules:

  1. Thank the person that has nominated you & Include a link to their blog
  2. Nominate at least 15 blogs of your choice
  3. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination
  4. Share seven different facts about yourself.

7 Facts About Me:

Fact 1: Let’s being by saying that I am NOT a minivan kind of mom! But, with a family of my size, which is continuing to get larger, family trips are becoming troublesome in our car! For the past 12 years or so, my “dream car” has been a Honda Pilot. The 3 row seating would REALLY come in handy, and it’s small enough and sporty enough to be cute AND save on gas. Perhaps one day soon…

Fact 2: I have been collecting stickers for as long as I can remember, and even started my own “sticker club” in grade school. Our objective was to trade stickers and to come up with the most impressive collection. I still have my first sticker albums tucked safely away. Remember the ones that you could buy at your local Hallmark stores? I always begged my parents for more of the sticker sheets, and I recall getting quite a few “no’s” as answers.

Stickers from Childhood

Fact 3: As much as the desire has been there, life has never blessed me the opportunity to own my own home. For 13 ½ years, I very patiently waited, and finally found myself in the position a few years ago to rent a house. I’m hoping that my next move will involve buying property. Here’s hoping!

Fact 4: I detest shopping; I mean with a passion! BUT, throw me in a craft or book store, and you may as well go on home. Time loses ALL meaning, and I take my sweet time roaming each aisle, looking for the absolute best deals/finds.

Fact 5: Have you ever paid attention to all of those cheesy television commercials for jewelry stores? How giddy those little girls get when hubby man surprises them with a new piece of jewelry? Not me. I think it’s an absolute waste of money! I have a few nice pieces, but prefer my Boho fashion jewelry any day. If hubby dropped that kind of money on a dinky piece of jewelry, I’d be compelled to smack him upside the head and ask him what the hell he was thinking. But, that’s just me.

Fact 6: Ok so, whether you want to admit it or not, we all have a same sex crush. Mine are Drew Barrymore and Kate Hudson. I have always loved Drew’s cute little hippie chic persona, and Kate is more of a sophisticated hippie chic. She inherited her mama’s (Goldie Hawn) spunky nature, and she works it. I love these girls!!!

Fact 7: One of my favorite stories from childhood can be found in, The Sneetches and Other Stories by good ole’ Dr. Seuss. The story is called, “What was I scared of?” I absolutely loved it! If you’ve never read it to the kiddos, you should definitely head to your local library; I’m sure they have a copy. Everyone should read it at least once in their life.

Dr. Seuss

My Nominees:

I nominate…YOU!

Erika, I thank you SO very much for this amazing award, and I hope that you can forgive me for taking so long to accept it. I am truly honored that you passed this torch on to me. Again, thank you!

3 Day Quote Challenge-Day Two

We are up to day 2, of the “3 Day Quote Challenge.”  I was nominated by the beautiful Jessika Gosen, and was super excited to take part!  Make sure to venture over to her blog, her photos are breathtaking!  Thank you again Jessika!  I’m having a wonderful time!

The Rules:

  • Thank the person nominating you for the challenge.
  • Post a quote on your blog for 3 consecutive days.
  • Invite 3 of your favorite Bloggers to join the challenge

It's time...

My Quote for Day Two:

“I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say, “Because of you, I didn’t give up.”

— Unknown

My Nominees for Day Two:

Amir over at World of Horror

Diane over at Ladies Who Lunch Reviews, etc.

Linda over at Creative Art Works Blog

Jessika, thank you again.  I truly appreciate it!

3 Day Quote Challenge-Day One

I have been nominated by Jessika Gosen to take part in the “3 Day Quote Challenge.”  If you have never been to visit Jessika’s blog, make sure to take the time.  She has some VERY interesting posts, and her photography is exceptional!  She is a very talented woman to say the least!  Jessika, thank you SO very much for allowing me to participate.  I absolutely LOVE the Quote Challenges!

The Rules:

  • Thank the person nominating you for the challenge.
  • Post a quote on your blog for 3 consecutive days.
  • Invite 3 of your favorite Bloggers to join the challenge


My Quote for Day One:

Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.

— Rikki Rogers

My Nominees for Day One:

Monica from Look Around!

Anina over at Chasing Big Dreams

Jo over at Mind Jo Business

Jessika, thank you again.  I truly appreciate it!