The Missing Link

We watched the grand baby last Saturday morning, and prior to his arrival, hubby and I made sure to straighten up the blankets on the bed so he would have a nice flat surface to play on. While slinging the blankets around, hubby’s NEW tablet went flying through the air and landed face down on our hardwood floor. NO!!! Fortunately, we had purchased the replacement coverage, so it was just a matter of going up and talking to our trusty Geek Squad.

Tablet Catastrophe

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

After dropping the grand baby off and picking up a new replacement tablet, we decided to grab  some lunch. We stopped in at the Olive Garden (my favorite!) and low and behold, our waitress was one of my old kids from work. Years ago, before I started teaching preschool, I spent my days and evenings with the school-agers. I had the oldest group (4th and 5th grade) and there were about 6 girls that surrounded me at all times. They loved me, respected me, admired me, and loved our brainstorming sessions. At that time I was still in the “research” phase of my business ventures, so we would come up with different ideas for craft projects, books, games, and so forth. One of my girls loved to draw, so I told her that one day we should collaborate together (as adults) on a book. Who would’ve thought that it would actually come to pass?!

If you’ve been with me for a while, then you know that I’ve had an “Heirloom” picture book (you know, those sentimental books they sell at Hallmark) waiting in the wings for several years now. I even wrote a post about it-Future Best Seller-Check it our HERE.

The 2 factors preventing it’s publication have been:

  •  A Publisher/Funding for Self-Publishing
  •  An Illustrator

Back in July (at my daughter’s birthday party) my step-father expressed an interest in financially backing a self publishing venture, so I tried my hand at putting together some illustrations. Unfortunately, my hand drawn and digital portrayal of the story just doesn’t do it justice! I had sat down again this past Friday evening with a new angle to try my hand at, only to get disgusted and set it aside. I suppose the Universe was trying to tell me something.


Image Courtesy of Pixabay

So, throughout the course of our meal, Hope and I caught up, and she shared with us some of her recent drawings (she just so happens to be attending Art School). OMG!!! She’s absolutely AMAZING!!! Her “style” syncs up PERFECTLY with mine; you couldn’t plan out a better match, let me tell you! My missing link, that piece that completes my puzzle, has been placed before me on a silver platter. Needless to say, we are hooking up this weekend to get our collaboration going. I am NOT going to pass up this opportunity! We can rise to the top together…what fun! It’ll be nice to finally have a creative partner. It gets SO lonely sometimes!

I’m hoping to get this bad boy printed up and available in shops in time for Christmas…

The Law of Attraction is finally opening the right doors for me. Do you have any experiences with the Law of Attraction? I would LOVE to hear YOUR story!

A Little Motivation for your Day…

For those of you who are unaware, I have been burning the candle at both ends lately. I have finally committed to my book, and will be announcing soon, my anticipated launch date. I will tell you that I have given myself just 6 months to complete it. Every time that I put a specific date on a project, something inevitably gets in my way, and I feel like an utter failure for not getting it done “on time.” But, whether I stick to said date, or whether I’m a few days off, the important thing will be that the 1 single project that has haunted my mind for 12 years, will finally be complete. It’s been a LONG time coming!

So, with that being said, I wanted to do something just a bit different than normal today, and I hope that it inspires you in the ways that it has me. I have decided that I am going to live my life from here on with positivity and purpose, and I am welcoming The Law of Attraction into my day to day. I will Ask, I will Believe, and I WILL Achieve!!! I have always been a realist, but I know that I need to embrace optimism into my life. The vibes that I am tossing out into this vast planet will not disappoint! I WILL be successful in all that I pursue, and I WILL conquer my dreams!  On Christmas Day, I will be hitting my 4 year mark in my ultimate 5 year plan. I have been saying since last year that 2016 is GOING to be my year, and I believe, DOWN TO MY CORE, that I am correct in saying this.  The wheels have been placed into motion, and there is NO going back now! I love each one of you for the contributions that you have made in my life! I am SO blessed to share this life with you!

YouTube has an abundance of inspiring, thought provoking, and emotionally gripping videos available for the taking, and I have decided to share 2 of these videos that spoke to my soul with you today. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did!

Become a Lion

Most People

I am anxious to hear your thoughts on these videos!

Tell All Tuesday Series: The Ideal Life

Q-How do you envision the Ideal Life?

The Ideal Life

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

A-Bills paid, pantry stocked with groceries, money in the bank for necessities, a savings account for a rainy day, a separate account for a retirement fund, and knowing that I will never again HAVE to stitch up holes in our clothing. My ideal life will allow me to help and inspire others, while allowing me the opportunity to work from home (my beach front condo) doing all that I’m passionate about.

My desires are modest, and I KNOW that every item above is realistic and obtainable. I WILL have these things, it’s all just a matter of when!

Your turn…How do YOU envision the Ideal Life?

The Secret

I want to share a story with you today about a man named Jack…

The Smell of Success

When Jack was in his 20’s, he worked as a school teacher, and was pulling in around $8,000 a year. He was frustrated with the way his life was turning out to be, so his mentor and friend, W. Clement Stone, influenced Jack to change the fate of his future. He told Jack that he should set a goal SO big and SO unbelievable that there would be no doubt that it was the direct result of his program for success. So Jack gave it some thought, and concluded that he would be happy if he could make $100,000 over the next calendar year.

To test the theory of the program, Jack took a one hundred dollar bill, and using a projection screen, created a larger image that measured 3ft X 2ft. He then added 3 zeros to it to make it look like a $100,000 bill. Once that was complete, he took it and placed it on the ceiling above his bed, so he could visualize living life with that amount of money.

Each morning when he awoke, he would look at the bill on the ceiling and recite his daily affirmation: “God is my unlimited supply. May large sums of money come to me quickly and easily under the grace of God, for the highest good of all concerned. I am easily earning, saving, and investing $100,000 a year.” Then he would take a moment to reflect on how this money was going to enhance his lifestyle, and the lives of those around him.

I would like to report that he was successful in his endeavor. He didn’t quite hit the $100,000 mark, but came in close at $92,325 in book sales (with a book that had been denied publication on numerous occasions). I don’t think that little bit of a difference would concern me too much, how about you?! He was so pleased with the outcome of this experience that he decided to set yet another goal. This time he visualized depositing a million dollar book royalty check into his bank account. It took just a few short years, but he eventually found himself doing just that. The book that changed Mr. Jack Canfield’s life was Chicken Soup for the Soul. I’m sure that you’ve heard of these books, but did you know the story of the man behind the vision? Me either.

Jack Canfield

So, a couple of years ago, my husband told me about a documentary that he had watched (while I was at work) on Netflix. He said that I just HAD to watch it, that everything they discussed was screaming my name! I appeased him, and started watching. After just a few moments, I was hooked, leaning into the television and taking mental notes. Jack talks throughout this documentary, and this was where I first heard of his story. It made such an impact on me that I have readjusted my way of thinking since.

The name of this powerful, life-altering documentary is called “The MetaPhysical Secret-Law of Attraction.” I haven’t checked lately to see if it is still available on Netflix, but you can watch it on YouTube by clicking HERE.

Jack has since taken up motivational speaking, discussing The Power of Persuasion, and has continued to be successful. He is a powerful, yet down to earth speaker, and I have thoroughly enjoyed everything that I have heard from him! His process for success is to visualize it; to ask, to believe, and to receive.

Since beginning my 5 year plan, I have caught myself on several occasions getting SO hyped up and excited over my ideas that I honestly have forgotten that I haven’t succeeded yet. How crazy is that?! I have actually convinced myself that I have big money sitting in the bank and that life is no longer a struggle. Then, without warning, reality comes washing back in, and I realize that it hasn’t happened for me yet. But that hasn’t stopped me! I KNOW my day is coming, and I believe in myself and what I have to offer. I know that I will be successful in my endeavors, and I’m ready to make a difference in the lives of millions around the globe.

The Power of Persuasion is an amazing tool that should be utilized by everyone! After all, perception IS reality.

If you don’t believe in yourself and your dreams, who else will?