A Little Inspiration to Brighten your Day

I wanted to share a little inspiration with you today.  I hope that you enjoy…


Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.

-Ziad K. Abdelnour

Tell All Tuesday Series: Missing in Action

Q-Did you miss me?

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

A-I sure missed you! When I began my little adventure (my Insurance class) back in November, I had NO idea that I would be absent for this long! I (foolishly) was under the impression that I would come out of the class licensed, and ready to tackle a new job, if that was the direction in which I felt was going to be best for my family’s future. Needless to say, that wasn’t EXACTLY how it turned out!

Class was great…a vacation from reality, if you will. But, as soon as class was over, I was thrown back into my “GO, GO, GO!” routine. Before I knew it, Thanksgiving was upon us, then Christmas, and all through the hustle and bustle of the season, I was working SUPER long hours. Then, out of the blue, I was called in to interview with HCA, which I ended up accepting. When I wasn’t working or running, I was hitting the thousands of flash cards that I had made, trying my best to retain all that I had learned. I finally tested out this past weekend, and am happy to announce that I passed BOTH exams! My hard work and countless hours of studying paid off!

So, I have spent the last two weeks as an HCA employee. I am a Patient Care Liaison, and work in a call center assisting patients who are looking for new physicians. I will eventually be moving over to ER Follow-Up, which basically means that I will be assisting patients who have recently visited the Emergency Room get scheduled for their follow up appointments. So far, I am truly loving my job! I have been working in child care for the past 12 years, and I must admit, it is a refreshing change (a breath of fresh air) interacting with adults on a daily basis, rather than children. There are certain aspects of the job that I do miss, but I am thoroughly enjoying this new opportunity! We even had a “Popcorn Party” on National Popcorn Day! I don’t know of too many organization’s that do that; do you?!  It is a fun atmosphere, and everyone has welcomed me with open arms. I am looking forward to seeing where this new path takes me!

I hope that things start to slow down soon, so that I may get accustomed to this new routine.  I am  anxious to get back to my crafts (oh, how I miss them!) and back to my writing.  Without these two, I am incomplete!  I am super disappointed that I’m not going to be able to meet my deadline for my book/workbook/inspiration pack, but know that I will complete it when the time is right.  Just wanted to check in with you, and let you know that I’m still kicking.  I’m SO happy to be back!


Change is in the Wind

My lovelies…

I had not intended to be out of the scene for so long; I have had my hands in a little bit of everything this holiday season! When I left you last, I was headed off to take an insurance course. The class was wonderful, and I learned SO much! A much needed “vacation” from my daily grind. It just so happened that during that week it was time to renew our insurance policies. It was crazy timing! I understood absolutely everything that the agent discussed with me…FIRST TIME EVER!

Learn Something New Every Day

Image Courtesy of Pexels

On that first day of class I was convinced that I had made a horrible mistake! I was a blubbering idiot compared to the rest of the class (as they were already working in the industry), and low and behold, the first topic we tackled was the Tennessee state laws. NOT my forte, let me tell you! As each day passed though, I grew a little more comfortable in my abilities, and ultimately, became a sponge for knowledge. Learn something new everyday, that’s what I always say. Since class has ended, I have been reviewing my handwritten flash cards ( in excess of 1,000), and am nearing my comfort level to proceed further and take the exam to become a licensed agent. I took a mock exam a few days ago which consisted of 569 questions, and I scored a 95. I would have scored even higher than that if I had not fat thumbed some of the answers.

In addition to my diligent studying, I have been preparing for a memorable and joyous Christmas with my family, and have been stocking our home with delicious treats which come but once a year. Our Christmas was an absolute success, and everyone was surprised and overjoyed with their gifts.

My grandson Maddox turned one yesterday, and has been battling with RSV. I pray that the doctors can find the right medications to give our precious little bundle of joy to provide him the much needed comfort he so deserves.

Change is in the Air

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Also, during my absence from WordPress, I was offered (and have accepted) a position at the hospital in the next town over. I will begin my training on January the 9th. I have enjoyed my time teaching these past 11 years, and have formed some amazing friendships with not only my co-workers, but with my employers and their families as well. As much as I hate to leave, this is a wonderful opportunity, another open door, that I just cannot pass by. I pray that this transition be a smooth one that will enable me to get even closer to my ultimate goals in life. With love and support from my family and friends, I know that I will be successful!

I trust that each of you are happy, healthy, and loving life, and that great things are happening in your day to day. I have TRULY missed our interactions! As we move towards a new year, I wish you all the peace and prosperity that life has to offer. May 2017 be an unforgettable year for us all!

Tell All Tuesday Series: Christmas

Q-Did you enjoy your Christmas?

Merry Christmas!

Image Courtesy of Pexels

A-We sure did! It was hard to get into the spirit this year with SO many different things on our minds and our plates this season, but it ended up being one of the best Christmas’ we’ve had to date!

Can’t wait to hear from you!

Tell All Tuesday Series: Sizing up your Community

Q-What is the best/worst thing about where you live?

Tennessee Mountains

A-The worst would be the winters here.  The cold weather hurts me more and more the older I get.  It’s definitely not the coldest place I could choose to live, but MUCH colder than I prefer.  The best thing about Tennessee would be the scenery.  It’s a lush, gorgeous state, especially in the fall!

So, on to YOUR community…

What are the best and worst parts of your town/state/province/country?

Krista’s World

Hi my loveys; I have some fantastic news to share with you this evening!

First, the Go Fund Me campaign (A New Lease on Life) that I organized for my husbands dental work has received 3 donations so far! Casey, Stephanie, and Linda, Thank you SO much for your contributions!!! Your generosity is truly appreciated! Also, quite a few of you have been sharing the link for this campaign on your blogs and on various social media sites, and I wanted to take this opportunity to express just how much I appreciate your help in getting the word out. It’s amazing what can be accomplished when we all work together!

Second, I have been saying since this time last year that 2016 was GOING to be MY year! Those who have followed along beside me on this journey can attest that this just has NOT been the case, despite my optimistic and hopeful outlook. At every single turn, conflict and obstacles ( A LOT of which I have not shared) have plagued my path. But, I believe that the tides are FINALLY beginning to shift.

Nose in the Books

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

A fantastic opportunity presented itself to me (an open door if you will) this past week, and I wasn’t EVEN going to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I pounced on it! Things like this never happen to me, so you can imagine just how psyched I am! I have been given the chance to enhance my knowledge by attending a certification course. I am thoroughly excited for this newest chapter in my life, and am anxious to see what may develop next. Investing in yourself is ALWAYS a smart idea! I will be attending class all next week, so if it takes me a while to get back with you, please forgive me. My nose will be in the books. Wish me luck…

I hope that you have a fabulous weekend, and that you will create memories that will last a lifetime!

Tell All Tuesday Series: Debriefing

Q-What do you do to debrief from a stressful situation/day?


Image Cortesy of Pixabay

A-When I find myself highly stressed, I lock myself in the bathroom and run a nice HOT bath, FULL of bubbles. It’s soothing, it warms my generally cold body, and it allows me the much needed time to relax and unwind. My best ideas come to me here, and I have found that I can generally find the answers that I’ve been searching for when given this opportunity. Life centers back into alignment; all is right with the world once more.

So, what do YOU do to debrief?

3 Quotes, 3 Days Challenge: Day Three

Mia (A.K.A. The Wheat and Tares), over at The Grizzle Grist Mill has nominated me to participate in the 3 Quotes for 3 Days Challenge.  It has taken me a few days to accept this challenge, as my appointments have had me running the roads NON-STOP this past week.

Mia has a fabulous blog FULL of spiritual inspiration, in addition to her Tuesday’s Treats and her Friday’s Angles, I SO enjoy those!   I look forward to seeing each new post, and suggest that you venture over to her world and see what’s going on.  You won’t be disappointed!  Thank you Mia for nominating me to participate in this fun challenge; I truly appreciate it!

The Rules for the Challenge:

  1. Three quotes for three days.
  2. Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

My 3 Quotes for Day Three:

Quote 1:

Aim and Take Flight

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”

Quote 2:

A Beautiful Future

“When the devil keeps on asking you to look at your past, there must be something good in the future he doesn’t want you to see.”

Quote 3:

Cut from a Different Cloth

“I’m cut from a different cloth, and they don’t make that fabric anymore.”

My 3 Nominees:

Roxie over at Unite Together in Peace

Margaret over at Being Margaret

Christie over at My Middle Name is Sarcasm

Thank you again Mia!  Keep inspiring others!  I hope that each of you have enjoyed the quotes…

3 Quotes, 3 Days Challenge: Day Two

Mia (A.K.A. The Wheat and Tares), over at The Grizzle Grist Mill has nominated me to participate in the 3 Quotes for 3 Days Challenge.  It has taken me a few days to accept this challenge, as my appointments have had me running the roads NON-STOP this past week.

Mia has a fabulous blog FULL of spiritual inspiration, in addition to her Tuesday’s Treats and her Friday’s Angles, I SO enjoy those!   I look forward to seeing each new post, and suggest that you venture over to her world and see what’s going on.  You won’t be disappointed!  Thank you Mia for nominating me to participate in this fun challenge; I truly appreciate it!

The Rules for the Challenge:

  1. Three quotes for three days.
  2. Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

My 3 Quotes for Day Two:

Quote 1:

Pigeons Flock Together

“Don’t be afraid of being outnumbered. Eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.”

Quote 2:

Try Me!

“When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say “Why me?” Say “Try me!””

Quote 3:

Your Wings are Ready

“Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready.”

My 3 Nominees:

Thank you again Mia!  Keep inspiring others!