3 Quotes, 3 Days Challenge: Day Three

Mia (A.K.A. The Wheat and Tares), over at The Grizzle Grist Mill has nominated me to participate in the 3 Quotes for 3 Days Challenge.  It has taken me a few days to accept this challenge, as my appointments have had me running the roads NON-STOP this past week.

Mia has a fabulous blog FULL of spiritual inspiration, in addition to her Tuesday’s Treats and her Friday’s Angles, I SO enjoy those!   I look forward to seeing each new post, and suggest that you venture over to her world and see what’s going on.  You won’t be disappointed!  Thank you Mia for nominating me to participate in this fun challenge; I truly appreciate it!

The Rules for the Challenge:

  1. Three quotes for three days.
  2. Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

My 3 Quotes for Day Three:

Quote 1:

Aim and Take Flight

“An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.”

Quote 2:

A Beautiful Future

“When the devil keeps on asking you to look at your past, there must be something good in the future he doesn’t want you to see.”

Quote 3:

Cut from a Different Cloth

“I’m cut from a different cloth, and they don’t make that fabric anymore.”

My 3 Nominees:

Roxie over at Unite Together in Peace

Margaret over at Being Margaret

Christie over at My Middle Name is Sarcasm

Thank you again Mia!  Keep inspiring others!  I hope that each of you have enjoyed the quotes…

3 Quotes, 3 Days Challenge: Day Two

Mia (A.K.A. The Wheat and Tares), over at The Grizzle Grist Mill has nominated me to participate in the 3 Quotes for 3 Days Challenge.  It has taken me a few days to accept this challenge, as my appointments have had me running the roads NON-STOP this past week.

Mia has a fabulous blog FULL of spiritual inspiration, in addition to her Tuesday’s Treats and her Friday’s Angles, I SO enjoy those!   I look forward to seeing each new post, and suggest that you venture over to her world and see what’s going on.  You won’t be disappointed!  Thank you Mia for nominating me to participate in this fun challenge; I truly appreciate it!

The Rules for the Challenge:

  1. Three quotes for three days.
  2. Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

My 3 Quotes for Day Two:

Quote 1:

Pigeons Flock Together

“Don’t be afraid of being outnumbered. Eagles fly alone. Pigeons flock together.”

Quote 2:

Try Me!

“When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say “Why me?” Say “Try me!””

Quote 3:

Your Wings are Ready

“Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready.”

My 3 Nominees:

Thank you again Mia!  Keep inspiring others!

3 Quotes, 3 Days Challenge: Day One

Mia (A.K.A. The Wheat and Tares), over at The Grizzle Grist Mill has nominated me to participate in the 3 Quotes for 3 Days Challenge.  It has taken me a few days to accept this challenge, as my appointments have had me running the roads NON-STOP this past week.

Mia has a fabulous blog FULL of spiritual inspiration, in addition to her Tuesday’s Treats and her Friday’s Angles, I SO enjoy those!   I look forward to seeing each new post, and suggest that you venture over to her world and see what’s going on.  You won’t be disappointed!  Thank you Mia for nominating me to participate in this fun challenge; I truly appreciate it!

The Rules for the Challenge:

  1. Three quotes for three days.
  2. Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

My 3 Quotes for Day One:

Ethics of Life

Quote 1:

     “Six ethics of life:

  • Before you Pray-Believe

  • Before you Speak-Listen

  • Before you Spend-Earn

  • Before you Write-Think

  • Before you Quit-Try

  • Before you Die-Live”

Quote 2:

Facing Difficulties

“Sometimes you face difficulties, not because you’re doing something wrong, but because you’re doing something right.”

Quote 3:

Burning Bridges

“Sometimes you just have to turn around, give a little smile, throw the match and burn that bridge.”

My 3 Nominees:

Tingting over at Empower Love

Worlds Beauty Web

Whispers of a Wallflower

Thank you again Mia!  Keep inspiring others!


My First Product Launch

I decided several weeks ago that today, August 26, 2016, I was going to unleash details about my newest product. I have been compiling information for the past 12 years of my life, and have finally decided on the direction in which I want to use this knowledge. My original game plan was to create an informative guide for those in need, then I thought it would be more appropriate as a detailed e Course, but have decided instead to create the Ultimate Inspiration Pack.

Follow Your Dreams

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

We all talk about following our dreams, fueling our passions, but let me ask you this…how do you go about STARTING down this path? My Inspiration Pack will provide you with all the steps necessary to ensure that you start your journey successfully. I will be providing more details as time progresses.

I have been working on an informative breakdown of this new, FANTASTIC product, but my explanation is a bit unorganized at the moment. Last Sunday I spent the day in the Emergency room, and have been on 3 antibiotics since, and then Monday evening my son was involved in his first car accident. So, needless to say, my explanation is clouded by a mother’s emotions and a fuzzy medicated head. This product deserves my best, so I will save it for another day. I wish each of you an exciting weekend worth remembering!

Till next time…

A Little Motivation for your Day…

For those of you who are unaware, I have been burning the candle at both ends lately. I have finally committed to my book, and will be announcing soon, my anticipated launch date. I will tell you that I have given myself just 6 months to complete it. Every time that I put a specific date on a project, something inevitably gets in my way, and I feel like an utter failure for not getting it done “on time.” But, whether I stick to said date, or whether I’m a few days off, the important thing will be that the 1 single project that has haunted my mind for 12 years, will finally be complete. It’s been a LONG time coming!

So, with that being said, I wanted to do something just a bit different than normal today, and I hope that it inspires you in the ways that it has me. I have decided that I am going to live my life from here on with positivity and purpose, and I am welcoming The Law of Attraction into my day to day. I will Ask, I will Believe, and I WILL Achieve!!! I have always been a realist, but I know that I need to embrace optimism into my life. The vibes that I am tossing out into this vast planet will not disappoint! I WILL be successful in all that I pursue, and I WILL conquer my dreams!  On Christmas Day, I will be hitting my 4 year mark in my ultimate 5 year plan. I have been saying since last year that 2016 is GOING to be my year, and I believe, DOWN TO MY CORE, that I am correct in saying this.  The wheels have been placed into motion, and there is NO going back now! I love each one of you for the contributions that you have made in my life! I am SO blessed to share this life with you!

YouTube has an abundance of inspiring, thought provoking, and emotionally gripping videos available for the taking, and I have decided to share 2 of these videos that spoke to my soul with you today. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did!

Become a Lion

Most People

I am anxious to hear your thoughts on these videos!

Tell All Tuesday Series: Change

Q-Are you scared of change?

Tell All Tuesday Series...

A-The prospect of change does frighten me to a certain extent, but without change in one’s life, reality continues on status quo. Change always brings about all of the pros and cons of a given situation. “What if this happens, or that?” “What if I don’t fit in…don’t like it…aren’t capable of performing…it ends up not being a good fit/match?” You can what if a situation to death, but if you are unhappy in your current situation, you owe it to yourself to take that leap and see where it takes you. If that particular situation isn’t the right fit, keep looking. We set our own boundaries, and unless we want to subject ourselves to a miserable existence for the remainder of our lives, we should take that opportunity and all that it entails. It just may be the door we have been searching for all along.

When I first established my 5 year plan, I took a leap into the unknown. A few people backed my decision, but the majority were like, “Aw, that’s nice Krista…Good luck.” Secretly waiting for the moment I would get tired of chasing after my dream. I introduced myself to the world of Social Media which I was clueless about. I put together a ton of crafts and started my Etsy shop. I did the research and figured out how to develop my blog. I created a few videos and threw them on YouTube. Even though they are amateur in quality, it was a starting point that I could grow and learn from. I pump out as much material as I possibly can to each of my outlets while tending to the responsibilities of my every day obligations. Do I get tired? YES!!! Do I ever feel like throwing in the towel and resuming a normal life? YES!!! I take breaks when my mind goes into overload, but I refuse to shove my dreams to the back burner! I’ll “keep on, keepin on” as Joe Dirt would say. Eventually, my long awaited door will appear.

Chasing down a dream is the hardest work I have ever known, but I know that all the hard work will, in time, pay off, and the best part is, I will have EARNED it all on my own! Change is inevitable in our lives. You can approach it with hesitation and fear, or you can welcome it with open arms. Me? I’ll choose the second option ANY day!!!

How about you?  Are YOU scared of change?

6 Ways To Be More Successful In Everything In Life

Lead Your Greatness put together a fabulous post a while back that I just HAD to share.  I hope that you are as inspired as I was when I read it.  Take the time to explore their blog.  You will be SO glad that you did!

Today is your Day!

The 6 Ways to be More Successful in Everything in Life are:

Number One: Know Yourself

Number Two: Be Optimistic

Number Three: Focus on Details

Number Four: Act Like you Already Have It

Number Five: Trust Your Feelings

Number Six: Be in the Present Moment

To explore each of these topics, head on over and check it out HERE.

Do YOU have any points to add?

5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck

Michael Hyatt put together an amazing post a while back that I wanted to share.  This man has an amazing site, and more valuable/life-altering posts than you can imagine.  Make sure to take the time to explore his site.  You will be SO glad that you did!

Setting Goals

His 5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck are:

Myth #1: Your Past Determines your Future

Myth #2: Safe Goals are the Best Goals

Myth #3: You Fail if you Fall Short

Myth #4: Writing your Goals is Unnecessary

Myth #5: Specificity Doesn’t Really Matter

To explore these myths, visit his post HERE.

Can you think of any additional myths?