Managing your Super Busy Life

For those of you who have subscribed to follow my blog, you are aware that there are several freebies available to you on the club page.  Included among these items, is an eBook that I put together that will aid you in managing your busy life.  I have decided to share this valuable resource with others around the world that are not familiar with my presence here on WordPress, so I have posted this eBook for sale in my Etsy shop.  If you haven’t gotten your FREE copy yet, make sure to click on the link (Join the Club) below (on mobile devices) or on my sidebar (if using a PC) to join the club.  If you would like to support the cause, head on over to my shop and purchase it for only $3.00.

10 Steps: How to Manage your Busy Life eBook

On Sale Now

Make sure to tell ALL of your friends about this great guide of tips and tricks.  I spent a good decade as a single mother, and these are the techniques that worked best for me!

If you’ve already read this eBook, let me know how you felt about it in the comments below…

5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck

Michael Hyatt put together an amazing post a while back that I wanted to share.  This man has an amazing site, and more valuable/life-altering posts than you can imagine.  Make sure to take the time to explore his site.  You will be SO glad that you did!

Setting Goals

His 5 Major Goal-Setting Myths That Keep You Stuck are:

Myth #1: Your Past Determines your Future

Myth #2: Safe Goals are the Best Goals

Myth #3: You Fail if you Fall Short

Myth #4: Writing your Goals is Unnecessary

Myth #5: Specificity Doesn’t Really Matter

To explore these myths, visit his post HERE.

Can you think of any additional myths?

Setting Goals for the New Year

Have you ever heard of the SITS girls???  Well, I found them over on Pinterest when I was doing my research, prior to going live with my blog.  They are a collection of talented and informative women who make life easier for us bloggers.  You should definitely take the time to explore this site…you just may learn a few things!

So, Allison (from the SITS girls),wrote and posted this fabulous article, Setting Goals for the New Year, during my super crazy holiday season.  I saved it in my inbox to share with you all as soon as things calmed down in my world.  It’s a little late, but not SO late that it can’t prove beneficial to you.

Click on the image below to visit Allison’s post.  I hope you enjoy…

Setting Goals for the New Year

Image courtesy of the SITS girls

I’m working on my goals for the new year…are you???