The 10 Best Things About Fall

Is it just me, or does everything about Fall just seem to scream comfort?  As much as I dislike the cold weather, the following is a list of 10 things that I look forward to each Fall season.

Loving Fall

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

1. Changing Leaves

There is something so serene about the leaves when they begin to change colors. I adore being outdoors, and this time of year provides a beautiful landscape to truly appreciate. The simple things in life make me the happiest!

2. Over Sized Sweaters and Hoodies

When it starts getting cool, I begin dressing in layers. The best part about this is being able to slip on a soft, comfy, over sized sweater or hoodie. It provides an abundance of warmth, and allows you to go about town without feeling self conscious about your waist line.

3. Thanksgiving Dinner

The ONLY day of the year in which I actually have a variety of dishes to choose from that I enjoy. There’s nothing better than a delicious meal accompanied by your favorite people in the world!

4. Extra Hour of Sleep

If you’re anything like me then you NEVER get enough sleep! I always look forward to this fantastic time of year.

5. Comfort Food/Beverages

When I think of comfort food, Pot Roast, Beef Stew, Chili, and Vegetable Soup pop into my mind. These dishes warm your belly, are extremely nutritious, and just make you feel good. Hot beverages provide the same desired feelings.

6. Thankful Heart

There is just something about the fall season that brings about a grateful heart. You are more apt to acknowledge and appreciate all of the blessings that you have in your life.

7. Curling Up with Hubby

I don’t care how we end up spending that time, be it watching a movie, or sharing our day, these moments are the best, and will always remain treasured memories.

8. Fuzzy Socks

When the weather starts changing, my pigs feel like little ice cubes. I look forward to slipping on my fuzzy socks each and every day! Not only do they keep me warm, but they are so soft and cozy.

9. Hot Bubble Baths

I’m that friend that STAYS cold! When I get frozen to the bone, the only relief that I have found is a nice hot bubble bath. Not only do I get clean and smell good, but the relaxing alone time does wonders for my creativity and mental well being.

10. Camping

Although it’s been years since I’ve had the opportunity to go camping, I have very fond memories of it growing up. Hikes, bike rides, sun sets, exploring nature, campfires, burnt marshmallows… Great times!

Do you agree with my list of 10, or do you have an alternative list in mind? What are YOUR favorite things about Fall?

Tell All Tuesday Series: Camping

Q-What are some of your fondest camping memories?

Camping Memories

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

A-We did a WHOLE lot of camping in my younger years, so I have a ton of memories to pull from. Unfortunately, I have yet to treat my kiddos to this experience. This is a HUGE regret in my life! I am hoping to get the chance to remedy this soon.

Memory #1: Dishpan Baby
When my sister and I were little, we were given baths in this giant (at that time) antique dishpan on top of the table. It’s crazy that at one point in time we were small enough to actually fit in there!

Memory #2: Fly Funeral
One year we borrowed (if memory serves) my grandparents camper; it was one of those ugly pop out, low rent models. I recall standing at the back of it, mesmerized by the numbers of flies that were buzzing about, and swatting at them with a fly swatter. After I killed a good many of them, I felt remorseful and began to cry. It was in that moment that I decided to give them a mass fly funeral. I was such a stupid little kid!

Memory #3: Gadgets and Goodies
My daddy was a “professional” camper, and always went fully prepared; from screen tents to surround the picnic tables to the mini gas grill. One item that he had that I thought was SO cool was the “Grilled Cheese” apparatus. You throw your bread and cheese inside this metal square and then you hold it over the fire. The perfect grilled cheese every time!

Memory #4: A Sticky Mess
A camping trip just isn’t complete without toasting marshmallows over a roaring fire. My absolute favorite way to eat my marshmallows is burnt to a crisp. I poke my stick in the fire, and pull that baby out blazing. I then blow it out and peel the black, singed, flaky outer layer off, toss it in my mouth and repeat the process, layer by layer.

Memory #5: Campfire Karaoke
When we started camping with my stepdad and his crew, we were treated to a little campfire karaoke party. Everyone would pass around the beers and bust out the guitars. I loved laying on the ground stargazing while listening to their jam sessions. Great memories!

So, what is YOUR fondest camping memory?